Grow your investment property portfolio with us
In the realm of investments, the safety of property is a well-known narrative, and while it often holds true, the success of any investment hinges on the careful consideration of numbers. This is where Guardian Smith steps in. Engage in a conversation with us about your investment options, and you might be pleasantly surprised at the untapped equity at your disposal and the substantial borrowing potential for your investment endeavour’s. Our team offers professional advice not only on the amount you can borrow but also on optimising your mortgage structure and securing favourable interest rates. Beyond financing, we take the reins in coordinating with banks, collaborating with your Solicitor, and consulting with your Accountant to establish the most advantageous legal structures and tax situations for your investments. At Guardian Smith, we’re dedicated to ensuring that your journey into property investment is not only safe but also financially sound and strategically optimised.

Guardian Smith are experts in investment loans and properties
New Zealanders have long cherished the idea of investing in tangible assets like real estate, and the advantages are clear. Property stands as a secure and tangible investment, particularly when favorable interest rates make it cost-effective to manage. Recognising the crucial role of securing the right investment loan, Guardian Smith stands out as experts in the field. With access to a diverse panel of lenders, Guardian Smith caters to a wide range of borrowers, offering not only standard investment loans but also innovative, tailored solutions. Whether it’s a conventional approach or a more unique investment strategy, Guardian Smith ensures that there’s a suitable option for nearly every investor, making the journey into real estate investment in New Zealand a well-guided and rewarding experience.
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